
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring Fever - Michigan Definition

The snow is gone!  That is the first thought that would run through your head as you look out and the sun is shining bright.  There is a slight breeze, the kind that makes you take a deep breathe in and say "spring is here."  You put on your garden gloves and work boots and head out into the day filled with hope of the yard work you will complete.  Only to be sorely disappointed.

It is roughly 30 degrees and that slight breeze bits through you like a thousand needles, dropping the temperature to a hardy 25 degrees.  You fight through the wind to pick up those branches and rake the yard.  You trim your bushes with the heart of a champion has your nose begins to run.  You head in after an hour of work and make yourself a hot cup of cocoa.

The next day, you head to the store to find that flower bulbs and all the seed packets are on sale.  You know you shouldn't, deep down  you know there is a ways to go before you can plant a single thing in the ground.  Because after all, it still may be frozen.  You buy them anyways with the hope that 60 degree weather is right around the corner.

The following morning as you wake up to head to work, you find three inches of freshly fallen snow.  You feel like crying, kicking, and cursing at the snow.  As you head out to your car to scrape it clean, you walk by your flower garden, only to find your tulips have popped up over night...there is hope for spring yet.

This is spring fever in Michigan.  A time when hope comes alive as do our mind and bodies.  As I head out into that chilly weather, I am bound and determined to get my apple trees trimmed and my yard cleaned up, even if it is only 30 degrees.  It is the second week of March, and I just know that while there may still be a snow storm in my future, I have spring fever and my hope is alive.